Senin, 01 Oktober 2007


Kemaren denger lagu ini jadi teringet satu pertanyaan lagi neh

"Apakah g sudah mengenal Bapa?"

g sering banget menyakiti hati Bapa, sesama berarti g belom mengenal Dia dengan baik..

Bapa aku yakin Kau telah mengenalku jauh dari aku mengenal diriku sendiri.
Ampuni aku Bapa...

satu kata yang ngena banget neh

"dan aku ingin mengenalMu Tuhan "

Bener ngak seh g pengen mengenal Bapa kl tiap hari saat teduh gue masih bolong2... :(
kl tiap hari aja ngak pernah nyapa gimana mau kenal.
Mengenal berarti tau kesukaanNya, KebiasaanNya, KemarahanNya.

Ada banyak hal yang mesti g perbaiki neh..

Terrible sorry for i have done,but i promise i will change. I know my false..

Bila kubuka mataku dan melihat wajahMu

ku terkagum.

bila kulihat hidupku dan karya TanganMu

ku tersanjung.

karna semua yang baik dalam hidupku itulah karyaMu

Kau beri kesempatan yang baru

dan aku ingin mengenalMu Tuhan

lebih dalam dari semua yang kukenal

tiada kasih yang melebihi Mu

ku ada untuk menjadi penyembahMu.

Rabu, 26 September 2007

My Ability 1....2....3....

Yesterday, i have joined in TOEFL Class.
and i suprised that my less ability to get higher point in TOEFL. hehehe
so i must learn harder.
Cia yo.... 1....2.....3...... don't be lazy ya......

Today i sent my beloved car to workshop
and it takes 1 week. oh
finally i have to use my other ability (walking.... :D) around 1 week.
cia yo again... 4...5....6..... keep your spirit.......

Finally,Thanks for my sister. she teach me how to claim to insurance company..
She always help me.Thanks so much Cie. Jesus Love You so much....

My daily bread today said

"Keputusan yang kita ambil hari ini menghasilkan konsekuensi yang akan kita tuai esok hari. Jauh lebih baik menghindari dosa sejak awal daripada kelak harus bergumul untuk mengatasi akibat dosa."

it's say that we must obey at God's word....
Recently i have learned about obey..
we are responsible what we are do .
God thanks what have you teached to me...
i have to improve this ability .... (Obey.... :D)

Gal 6:9
"And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season
we shall reap if we do not lose heart"

Kamis, 20 September 2007

Life so funny


NO Comment..
Just one Say Thank God for Everything you've done to me.

Learn from You make me growth and thanksfull.

" Bapa, Pegang tanganku"
" Aku rindu saat teduh bersamaMu"
" Dekap Aku dalam hangat naunganMu"
" Bawa hidupku padaMu masuk dalam altarMu yang kudus"
" Bapa, Pegang tanganku"
"Aku rindu tinggal dalam hatiMu"
" Engaku terang yang membuat ku melihat"
"Melihat jauh kedalam kebenaran Mu"

"Lebih dari nafasku Bapa"
"kuperlukan kasih Mu Bapa"
"Berjalan disamping Mu Bapa seumur hidupku"
"Lebih dari nafasku Bapa"
"Kuperlukan kasihMu Bapa"
"Peganglah tanganku untuk selamanya"

Release your Anger and life peacefully.


Senin, 17 September 2007


Kmrn hari yang luar biasa buat g.
Thanks ya "Iline". Kmrn dia tidur di mobil g.
keliatan na lelah banget.

iya seh pasti na capek. pulang dari Dufan. Maka nya ajak2 dong ke Dufan na ha3x..
Trus jemput dia yang kelelahan kasian dia pulang sendiri jadi na g jemput.
trus makan d di gading.

pas mau makan ada suara bedug menandakan buka puasa. ganggu aja.
g berdoa mpe kapan neh bedug na selesai....
akhirna selesai juga dalam 5 menit he3x...

akhirna kita makan kangkung cah and kodok goreng mentega kesukaan dia.
tapi emang ngak ada yang seenak puri 88 seh.

eh pas lagi makan dengan suasana nyaman ternyata ada "something" (setan kali ya? hahah) yang lebih menggangu g.
pas g melihat "something" perut g serasa mual... heheh.
ngak tau seh Dia perasaan na gimana?

g berfikir ternyata neh dunia kecil juga ya.... tapi positive aja koq.... dah bertobat g.

dah ah.... positive thinking aja. BElajar dari Christian Man network aja.

over all, thanks ya "Iline"
u make me got wonderful day yesterday.

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2007

Purpose of Our Life

Last week i became a servant eventough still need passion to be perfect :)
Be servant of myself and others
I exercised my body in Gym too :)
oh yes i remembered about purpose of my life.
why God sent me in here and What part have been i took?
Last Lesson (Read Emotion & Passion):
About: Emotion & Passion.
Completed: 35%
Target: in progress....... :)
Next lesson:
The purpose of your life greater than your own personal fullfilment,your peace of mind or even your's far greater than your family, your career or even your ambition.
When you let God to lead your way. it's easier than your thought.
Sometimes we tought that Why God letting us through hard situation
one of answer is we still life in our flesh. we don't let God to take all part of our life.....
When we do our duty in earth let we give the best for our Lord.
and based on LOVE... because Our God is Love.....
but don't let our flesh take of it. Let we give all honour,praises to our God.
one month ago i sacrificed my self but it's not for God. it's for my flesh.
it's hurt. God forgive me for all i have been done. so don't let you do as i did :)
It's really hurt.
but thanks for God. He call me again in a strange way. i will tell you someday.
So when we getting calling from our God. it's a purpose of our life.
Holy Spirit lead our way every day when we ask Him.
Let's We find God's purpose for us in earth continuesly.
(1 John 4:16)
And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
Love is sacrifice till u lost it

Minggu, 22 Juli 2007

Emotion & Passion

Emotions are thought to be related to activity in brain areas that direct our attention, motivate our behavior, and determine the significance of what is going on around us.

is the emotion of feeling very strongly about a subject or person.

How to mix it together? :D

Sometimes feel unfair but if you could through this part you will go to next level.
When you get something from this lesson.

Get The Answer......... Just from the Lord.

Lord, Once again can't control my self...
I don't blame her but i can't control my self.

And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?
But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed. And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.
(1 Peter 3:13-14)

Rabu, 18 Juli 2007

Awful day

What's going on yesterday?
it's gonna terrible day for me.
how much i've cost for that day?
i'm put nail at someone heart

Sorry for all i've done.
God pls forgive me for all my weakness.
I want learn more tommorow.

Dear,pls give me time to learn and please know how much i care about you

Tuhan, ampuni g telah berkata yang mengerikan kepada orang yang g cintai..

menyesal banget d..... :(


I keep pray that she forgive me totally and i can express my self to her.

Totally i'm wrong and i'm blame for my self..

Learn today: Emotion......